Monday, September 8, 2008

The Art of Ice Grillin (Part 4)

I really liked CB4 when it came out. I put it up there with other low budget movies like "Fear of a big hat" and " I'm gon get you sucka". Charlie Murphy and Chris Rock starred in this hip hop inspired jewel. I have been practicing my ice grillin techniques and facial poses. I have been working on the mc gusto ice grill. I almost got it downpacked. Once I master this ice grill pose, it will expand my ice grillin arsenal. I will be ready to battle on the spot if I am further challenged. CB4 is a classic movie and the group was hardcore gangsta. That is my goal in mastering this ice grill pose. A mean mug can cause instant fear in opponents. In the real world, it is still grill or be grilled!

1 comment:

Mad P said...

Haaa!!! When you're a property manager, the ice grill comes by default.....start renting out some houses, lol.