Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Lost in Translation

I aint the one to put my business on front street. I was on a blog today and saw a fly example of black love still existing in current times. It was pictures of this sista and some of her girls hanging out in Oakland. Too make a long story short, a brotha showed up with some flowers, family members and surprised his lady and proposed on the spot causing 11 black woman to start screaming and gettin loud. The media and mainstream america have portrayed us as animals, prison fillers, cowards as fathers, non-promise keepers, thugs and irresponsible beings not capable of true committment to anything or anyone. Looking at this particular blog entry on this sistas site made me think about my own experience. I was once married to a beautiful, beautiful black woman. She was my 5th rib and part of my backbone that gave me the strenght to go out into the world everyday and do battle standing alittle stronger and taller with my head to the sky. We hooked up during the summer of 1996. We were married in 1998 and made it to 2007 before outside interference on her part(adultery or networking as she called it) took it's toll. Looking at those pictures on that sistas blog sling shotted me to the present. Being single after being off the market for all those years is scary even as a man. Things have changed and black women are more self centered and financially ego driven while solely focusing on the exterior instead of the interior. Trust me, I know! Sometimes it is a bad experience when you got alot of love to offer and give but the worthy prospects seem to be checking for someone else. In my case, I have been getting the good friend label. I know alot of females who are CEO's,professional baby mamas, lawyers, social workers, artists, singers, stylists,professional whores, students,poets,etc and some of them consider me their brother or a close friend. I get called when the nucka they with is trippin, dogging them out or they just need somebody to talk too. It is frustrating to a point cause they complain about aint no good brothas left when they aint really lookin. It is time for us to embrace CHANGE. Sistas need to give all brothas a fair chance. Anyway, it is inspiring to be able to see that black love still exist and is possible in this day and age. Black love and black power are pure forms of positive energy we need in our life. I pray it is possible for me again oneday.

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